Northern Neighbours Foundation

The 24-Hour Giving Challenge is on now!

Help your community foundation grow and your gift will be stretched, with support from The Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.

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Northern Neighbours Foundation

Box 802
Flin Flon, MB R8A 1T3

Registered Charitable Number: 89107 6341 RR0001
Manitoba Region: North


The Northern Neighbours Foundation will accumulate charitable gifts providing citizens with a means of permanently endowing our region and helping shape its future. Northern Neighbours will allocate the earnings with vision and care to encourage and support charitable projects.


Northern Neighbours provides the citizens of Cranberry Portage, Denare Beach, Flin Flon, Sherridon and Snow Lake with the opportunity to invest in the future of their community and region forever. The income generated from the capital is distributed as grants to registered charities in the region. The Northern Neighbours Foundation was established in 1994 to support the organizations that are improving the quality of life in the region.


  • Jane Robillard
  • Barb Lyons
  • Faryn Bergman
  • Barb Bragg
  • Kelleen Blouin
  • Will Penner