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Pembina Manitou Area Foundation Inc.
Manitou, MB R0G 1G0
Registered Charitable Number: 882834740RR0001
Manitoba Region: South Central
To administer a perpetual fund designed to benefit the communities within the Municipality of Pembina by identifying community priorities and assisting local charities and worthwhile projects.Description
Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation Inc. provides financial support for other charitable groups in the Pembina-Manitou area, provides financial support in the form of scholarships to eligible students, and provides financial support for various recreational and cultural groups in the Pembina-Manitou area.Board
- Chair: Tracie Moores
- Vice Chair: Travis Long
- Treasurer: Lorne Schultz
- Secretary: Charissa Dobson
- Murdoch B. Dobson
- Erin Doherty
- Ray Keen
- Steve Konrad
- Curtis Weeks
- Griffen McLean
- Maia Crisanta Vicente, Community Foundation Coordinator
Foundation Funds
Central Manitoba Choral Association Fund | To support Central Manitoba Choral Association activities. |
Community of Darlingford Fund | To fund various projects in the community of Darlingford. |
Darlingford Cemetery Fund | To fund the care and maintenance of the Darlingford Cemetery. |
Darlingford Memorial Park Inc. Fund | To fund the care and maintenance Darlingford Memorial Park. |
Darlingford Pembina Heritage Museum Fund | To provide funds for the care and maintenance of the Darlingford Pembina Heritage Museum. |
Ken Warelis Scholarship Fund | To provide a scholarship to a student entering Agriculture after graduating from Nellie McClung Collegiate. |
LaRiviere Cemetery Association Fund | To provide funds dedicated to upkeep and repair of the LaRiviere Cemetery. |
LaRiviere Lodge Inc. Fund | To provide funds dedicated to upkeep and repair of the LaRiviere Lodge. |
LaRiviere Rec. Center Fund | To provide funds for kids programs, upkeep and repair of the LaRiviere Rec. Center. |
Manitou Cemetery Fund | To fund the care and maintenence of the Manitou cemetery. |
Manitou Community Swimming Pool Fund | To fund the care and maintenence of the Swimming Pool. |
Manitou Minor Hockey Association Fund | To support Manitou Minor Hockey activities. |
Manitou United Church Fund | To provide funds for the care and maintenance of the Church, attached C. E. Building and the Church manse. |
Maxell-Bowler Scholarship Fund | To provide a scholarship to a student graduating from Nellie McClung Collegiate and entering post secondary education in any field. |
New Haven Cemetery Fund | To provide funds for the care and maintenance of the New Haven Cemetery. |
Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation Administration Fund | To cover expenses of the Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation. |
Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation Community Fund | Funded by general donations, provides financial support for recreational, cultural, and other charitable groups in the Pembina-Manitou Area. |
Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation Scholarship Fund | To provide a scholarship to a student graduating from Nellie McClung Collegiate and entering post secondary education in any field. |
Pembina-Manitou Health Centre (PMHC) Foundation Fund | To provide funds to advance medical education, research and the improvement of patient care. |
Pembina Manitou Place 55+ Fund | To provide funds for the care, maintenance and upgrades at Pembina Manitou Place in Manitou Manitoba. |
Pembina Palliative Care Fund | To provide funds for the operation of the palliative care program at the Pembina Manitou Health Center in Manitou Manitoba. |
St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church and Cemetery Fund | To fund the care and maintenence of the church and cemetery at St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church. |
St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kaleida Fund | To fund the care and maintenence of the church and cemetery at St. Mary’s Church Kaleida. |
The HGL Snowsports Fund | To provide funds to assist the public, school groups, snowsport club programs and current athletes to get into and/or sanctioned events in the sport of skiing and/or snowboarding in all disciplines such as racing, freestyle, and adaptive programs. |
Recent Grants
Click the + to see the grant recipients.Central Manitoba Choral Association Youth Choir | $2,000.00 |
Darlingford Cemetery Fund – designated | $540.00 |
Darlingford Community Fund – designated | $461.00 |
Darlingford Manitoba 125th Video Project | $1,779.00 |
Darlingford Memorial Park Fund – designated | $900.00 |
Holiday Mountain Resort – Snow School Clubs – HMR Rail Riders & La Riviere Ski Team | $2,900.00 |
Honey Garlic & Maple Syrup Festival | $1,500.00 |
Ken Warelis Scholarship Fund – designated | $600.00 |
La Riviere Cemetery Association Cemetery ground upgrade | $2,400.00 |
La Riviere Fire Dept. PPE | $3,700.00 |
La Riviere Lodge Board of Directors Repair Electrical to Code, Remodel Suite #10 for Senior Living Comfort | $6,000.00 |
La Riviere Recreation Centre UV Filter Upgrade | $2,800.00 |
Manitou & Community Swimming Pool Fund – designated | $120.00 |
Manitou and Community Arena Water Bottle Filling Stations | $3,600.00 |
Manitou Cemetery Fund – designated | $250.00 |
Manitou Curling Club Camera Replacement Project | $2,000.00 |
Manitou Drop In Sporting & Service Equipment | $2,000.00 |
Manitou Elem. School Piano Tuning & repair for Kawai & Lesage Pianos, Acoustical Improvements to the Lesage Piano Room | $1,000.00 |
Manitou Elementary School Sustainability of MES’ visual arts program | $3,000.00 |
Manitou Family Resource Centre Take Home Gardening Kits | $465.00 |
Manitou Flying Club Repair runway rough & low spots | $4,000.00 |
Manitou Girls Minor Softball Equipment Replacement | $3,000.00 |
Manitou Opera House Foundation Website Devt. & Online Presence Enhancement | $4,250.00 |
Manitou Town & Country Golf Course Equipment Shed | $4,600.00 |
Maxwell Bowler Scholarship Fund – designated | $2,000.00 |
Oak Valley Productions Inc. Trail Rejuvenation | $1,750.00 |
Pembina Manitou Archive La Riviere Manitou CPR Station Depot Restoration | $7,200.00 |
Pembina Manitou Senior Housing Inc. Automated Doors | $9,210.00 |
Pembina Valley Bible Camp (PVBC) Horse Program Expansion – Phase 1 – Barn Renovation | $1,900.00 |
Pembina Valley Child Care Centres Inc. – Manitou Site Upgrading Tables & Staff Chairs | $2,200.00 |
PMAF Scholarship Fund – designated | $600.00 |
South Central Reg’l Library – Manitou Library Garden Shed | $1,000.00 |
St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church Cemetery Fund – designated | $241.00 |
St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church Website creation | $2,259.00 |
St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kaleida Fund – designated | $775.00 |
Nellie McClung Collegiate PMAF Scholarship – designated | $600 |
Ken Warelis Scholarship – designated | $600 |
Maxwell Bowler Scholarship – designated | $2,200 |
Manitou and Community Swimming Pool – designated | $110 |
St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kaleida – designated | $619 |
Manitou Elementary School – piano tuning | $290 |
Manitou Elementary School – breakfast program | $2,100 |
Nellie McClung Collegiate – breakfast program | $3,100 |
Pembina Manitou Archive – Step Back In Time brochure | $1,600 |
Pembina Valley Music Festival – Festival | $900 |
St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church – designated, sign & siding | $1,100 |
Pembina Game and Fish 0 Mary Jane aeration | $2,300 |
Manitou Elementary School – musical instrument cleaning | $820 |
Royal Canadian Legion – remembrance banners | $1,000 |
Manitou Golf Club – rental carts | $6,300 |
Darlingford Cemetery Fund – designated, maintenance | $300 |
Darlingford Memorial Park Fund – designated, maintenance | $850 |
Darlingford Playground – playground upgrades | $3,350 |
La Riviere Cemetery – removing old trees | $1,250 |
La Riviere Recreation Association – furnace | $2,000 |
Honey garlic & Maple Syrup Festival – tables | $4,400 |
La Riviere Manitou CPR Station – CPR station project | $9,000 |
Manitou Ag Society – electrical upgrade | $3,500 |
Manitou Cemetery Fund – designated, maintenance | $300 |
Manitou United Church – photocopier | $1,200 |
Pembina Manitou Senior Housing – automatic doors | $8,200 |
Manitou Opera House Foundation – sound and lighting | $2,300 |
- Christmas Cheer
- Darlingford Memorial Park
- Darlingford School Museum
- La Riviere Recreation Centre
- Manitou Archives
- Manitou Community Arena
- Manitou Elementary School
- Manitou Legion
- Manitou Opera House
- Manitou Senior Housing
- Manitou Town and Country Golf Course
- Nellie McClung Collegiate
- Pembina Valley Child Care Centre
- Pembina Valley Honey Garlic and Maple Syrup Festival
- Pembina Valley Music Festival
- Pembina Valley Watershed
Pembina Manitou Area Foundation Scholarship | $600 |
Ken Warelis Scholarship | $600 |
Maxwell Bowler Scholarship | $2,000 |
Manitou and Community Swimming Pool | $200 |
Pembina Manitou Health Center | $1,000 |
Pembina Manitou C & H Association | $4,250 |
Manitou Opera House | $3,800 |
Pembina Valley Music Festival | $600 |
Pembina Manitou Senior Housing | $3,500 |
Manitou Park Playground | $4,000 |
Darlingford School Heritage Fund | $2,000 |
Royal Canadian Legion Manitou | $1,500 |
Manitou Elementary School | $150 |
Pembina Manitou Christmas Cheer Board | $3,000 |
Darlingford Playground | $3,400 |
Darlingford Memorial Park | $2,800 |
Pembina Manitou Child Care Center Manitou | $2,000 |
Manitou and Community Arena | $2,693 |
Honey Garlic and Maple Syrup Festival | $1,200 |
LaRiviere Fire Department | $3,600 |
Manitou Minor Hockey | $2,642 |
La Riviere Recreation Center | $2,000 |
Manitou Town and Country Golf Course | $2,000 |
Pembina Valley Watershed District | $1,038 |
Foundation Highlights
Established 7 new funds in 2024
Central Manitoba Choral Association Fund, Manitou Minor Hockey Association Fund, Darlingford Pembina Heritage Museum Fund, Manitou United Church Fund, Pembina Manitou Health Centre Foundation Fund, The HGL Snowsports Fund and New Haven Cemetery Fund.
Danny Maxwell donation
A former resident of the Pembina Manitou area donated $50,000 in bank shares and cash, to commemorate his fifty years of marriage to Joyce (nee Bowler), and the memory of Joyce’s parents Elwin and Ethel (nee Rinn) Bowler.
Donation of mutual fund units worth more than $20,000 to General Community Fund
Another local resident made a generous gift, and because the investment was donated in kind, not in cash, the full amount went to charity, rather than a percentage going to income tax.
PMAF to administer Darlingford Memorial Park assets
Recognizing the value in the PMAF / Winnipeg Foundation investment model, this local charity agreed to allocate a sum of long term assets to a new fund with PMAF.
Matching funds available
PMAF matches a portion of the funds raised by the local collegiate’s philanthropic group, SWAT (Stingers Working At Tomorrow) throughout the school year.
Blair Mason Estate Bequest
Blair Morley Mason passed away in October 2023. In his will he named the Pembina-Manitou Area Foundation as one of the beneficiaries to his estate. After considerable discussion on how to distribute the proceeds of this bequest, the board made a decision to disburse the proceeds to 14 different funds held by the foundation.
Jim Henderson Estate bequest
Over the years, since 2016, the PMAF general community fund received a large bequest from the estate of former resident Jim Henderson.Geordie Hughes Estate Bequest
Geordie Hughes left a legacy in his memory to the Pembina Manitou Area Foundation. This generous bequest was gifted to the General Community Fund.